How Can a Podiatrist Help You Manage Hammer Toe Pain?

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How Can a Podiatrist Help You Manage Hammer Toe Pain?

How Can a Podiatrist Help You Manage Hammer Toe Pain?

19 October 2018
, Blog

Hammertoes can be painful. This condition forces a toe into an unnatural position where its joint bends up all the time. This often makes walking painful; even when your foot is at rest, the toe may continue to hurt. 

If you've talked to your GP about your toe, then they may have told you that the only really permanent fix is an operation to straighten it. If you aren't keen to do this, then they may advise that you see a podiatrist to find ways to manage the problem. How can a podiatrist help reduce hammertoe pain?

Pain Relief Devices

Depending on the severity of the curve on your hammer toe, your podiatrist may feel that you'll benefit from wearing some kind of support on or around the toe. For example, orthotic devices, splints and straps can encourage hammertoes into a more natural position so that they don't rub against your shoes. Special padding materials also relieve pressure on the toe from your footwear. If your toe has a better alignment and extra support, it may hurt less.

Corn and Callus Removal

Hammertoe pain often comes from the misalignment of the joint, but this isn't the only reason your toe can hurt. If your toe constantly rubs against shoes, then it develops sore spots, calluses and corns. These make your toe hurt even more. If your podiatrist treats these secondary problems, your toe will feel better. You'll have less pain and will find walking easier.

Shoe Advice

Wearing the wrong kinds of shoes for years sometimes causes hammertoes. If your podiatrist thinks that your shoes are to blame or that you aren't wearing the most comfortable shoes, then they can give you advice on footwear changes that will better support your toe in the future. Hammertoes need more space in shoes as they don't fall into line with your other toes. Narrow or tapering shoe toes make pain worse as they squash the toe and force it further up. Your podiatrist is likely to talk to you about switching to shoes that have roomy and wide toe areas and enough space to accommodate the toe's misalignment.

To learn more about hammertoe management treatments, contact a podiatry clinic and make an appointment for an assessment. Following your podiatrist's advice and treatment plan helps manage your toe problems more effectively, hopefully without the need for surgery. 

For more information, contact your local foot clinic today.

About Me
Creating a Network for a Healthy Life

Welcome. My name is Wendy. This blog is about health care. I hope that when you read my posts, they help you create the network you need for a healthy life. In my opinion, living a healthy lifestyle includes multiple elements. You need the right health care clinic and medical providers, but you also need a healthy diet, a relatively stress-free life that lends itself to positive mental health, a community to support you and several other elements. I hope to address many of those things and more here. After reading my posts, I hope you have the knowledge you need to create a healthy life. I am a mum of three very energetic boys, and ever since they were born, I have realised how important it is to be healthy. After all, I hope I'm around as long as possible. I can't wait to see them grow up!
