5 Questions Answered About Colonoscopy Screenings

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5 Questions Answered About Colonoscopy Screenings

5 Questions Answered About Colonoscopy Screenings

17 November 2022
, Blog

A colonoscopy is a screening procedure used to detect changes in the large intestine and rectum. It's important to note that a colonoscopy can both diagnose and treat issues in the colon. This blog post answers some common questions about colonoscopies.

What Happens During a Colonoscopy?

A colonoscopy is a medical procedure that takes place at a hospital or surgical centre. You will be sedated to promote relaxation during the procedure. Once you are sedated, the doctor will insert a tube with a camera attached to it into your rectum. The doctor will then pump air into your colon in order to get a better view.

What Are the Risks Associated with a Colonoscopy?

There are some risks associated with any type of anesthesia, but they are usually mild and go away quickly. There is also a small risk of tearing or puncturing the intestine, which would require surgery to repair. Overall, colonoscopies are considered very safe procedures.

Why Would You Need a Colonoscopy?

There are several reasons why someone might need a colonoscopy screening. Your doctor may recommend one as a routine check if you are a senior, if others in your family have a history of colorectal cancer or if you have certain symptoms like blood in your stool or abdominal pain. A colonoscopy is an excellent way to detect early signs of colorectal cancer so that it can be treated successfully.

How Do You Prepare for Your Colonoscopy?

You will need to follow some specific instructions in order to prepare for your colonoscopy. A few days before your procedure, you will need to start taking laxatives and following a clear liquid diet in order to empty your bowels completely. You will also need to avoid eating or drinking anything in the hours before your colonoscopy is scheduled to begin.

What Happens After A Colonoscopy?

After your procedure is complete, you will be monitored until the sedatives wear off and you are able to leave on your own. You may experience some bloating and gas from the air that was pumped into your colon during the procedure, but this should go away within a few hours. It's important not to drink alcohol or drive until you have recovered from your colonoscopy as well.

A colonoscopy is an important screening tool that can detect changes in the large intestine and rectum. It's relatively safe and easy to prepare for. If you have any questions about whether or not you should get a colonoscopy, talk to your doctor today. 

About Me
Creating a Network for a Healthy Life

Welcome. My name is Wendy. This blog is about health care. I hope that when you read my posts, they help you create the network you need for a healthy life. In my opinion, living a healthy lifestyle includes multiple elements. You need the right health care clinic and medical providers, but you also need a healthy diet, a relatively stress-free life that lends itself to positive mental health, a community to support you and several other elements. I hope to address many of those things and more here. After reading my posts, I hope you have the knowledge you need to create a healthy life. I am a mum of three very energetic boys, and ever since they were born, I have realised how important it is to be healthy. After all, I hope I'm around as long as possible. I can't wait to see them grow up!
