Steps You Can Take Today To Boost Your Fertility

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Steps You Can Take Today To Boost Your Fertility

Steps You Can Take Today To Boost Your Fertility

7 April 2022
, Blog

Trying to conceive can feel both exciting and stressful. For many women, it is an important aspect of womens health. Depending on your medical history, some of your chances of falling pregnant are within your control. Here are some positive steps you can start taking today to boost your fertility.

Balance Your Weight

Being under or overweight can reduce your chances of falling pregnant. Both physical states affect how regularly you ovulate. Depending on how far away you are from your ideal BMI, you may struggle to ovulate each month. If you suspect your weight is an issue, discuss it with a doctor at your local fertility clinic. They should be able to advise the safest way for you to reach a healthier weight. They can also perform tests that identify whether you're moving through each hormonal cycle every month.

Quit Smoking

Infertility rates in women who smoke are usually twice that of women who don't smoke. Because of this, it makes sense to quit as soon as you start trying to conceive. You may find that it's easier to quit while trying to fall pregnant versus quitting when you do fall pregnant. If you're struggling to kick your habit, discuss smoking cessation with your doctor. They should be able to find an appropriate solution for you.

Track Ovulation

Your chances of falling pregnant are at their strongest when you're ovulating. Fortunately, tracking your ovulation is now as easy as taking a pregnancy test. Familiarise yourself with your menstrual cycles to gain an idea of when to take the tests. Usually, you'll ovulate around two weeks before your period is due. However, this can vary depending on the length of your cycle. Once a test flags that you're ovulating, you stand your strongest chance of falling pregnant that month.

Minimise Stress

Many people experience stress at some point in their lives. Thankfully, it's usually transient and resolves itself. However, if you experience a traumatic event or you're continuously exposed to stress, your stressful state may become chronic. When this happens, stress can affect your hypothalamus, which is the part of your brain that regulates your hormones. If you're continuously struggling to fall pregnant, assess ways you can reduce your stress. Ideally, this will involve stepping away from the stressful situation itself. But if that isn't possible then you can try practices such as yoga and meditation. Or, you can examine whether any lifestyle changes will reduce stress.

Overall, it's worth discussing your fertility with a doctor to ensure you're taking all the right steps for falling pregnant.

About Me
Creating a Network for a Healthy Life

Welcome. My name is Wendy. This blog is about health care. I hope that when you read my posts, they help you create the network you need for a healthy life. In my opinion, living a healthy lifestyle includes multiple elements. You need the right health care clinic and medical providers, but you also need a healthy diet, a relatively stress-free life that lends itself to positive mental health, a community to support you and several other elements. I hope to address many of those things and more here. After reading my posts, I hope you have the knowledge you need to create a healthy life. I am a mum of three very energetic boys, and ever since they were born, I have realised how important it is to be healthy. After all, I hope I'm around as long as possible. I can't wait to see them grow up!
