Breastfeeding Problems That Should Prompt A Visit to Your Doctor

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Breastfeeding Problems That Should Prompt A Visit to Your Doctor

Breastfeeding Problems That Should Prompt A Visit to Your Doctor

24 April 2017
, Blog

While breastfeeding is natural, it isn't always easy, which means you could run into bumps in the road on your baby's nutritional journey. Although it's possible to resolve many breastfeeding problems at home without medical intervention, some challenges should prompt a visit to your doctor. With a little extra help, you can establish a smooth feeding relationship and nurture your baby with ease.

You have a tender red spot on your breast

Your milk ducts might block from time to time, and if these blockages don't clear, you may encounter mastitis. In addition to a painful lump and inflammation, you may experience flu-like symptoms, which may indicate that an infection is present. For the first 12 to 24 hours, try draining your breast regularly, using a cold compress, and resting. If this doesn't work, seek advice from your local healthcare centre, where your doctors may prescribe antibiotics that make the infection clear faster.

Your baby has little white spots in their mouth

If your baby has creamy white spots on the inside of their mouth and gums that won't budge, they may have oral thrush. Other signs include a baby that's unsettled while feeding, unexplained pain in your breasts both when feeding and when not using them, and severe pain that lasts up to an hour after each feed. It's safe to carry on breastfeeding when you have thrush, but you will need to visit your doctor for anti-fungal medications for you and baby. This includes a cream you'll apply to your nipples after each feed, as well as mouth drops for the little one.

You're struggling with your latch

According to the Australian Breastfeeding Association, 96 percent of mothers initiate breastfeeding at birth, but fewer than 40 percent carry it on beyond three months. If you're struggling with your latch, it's natural to feel disheartened. When all the self-care tips friends and family dish out fail, you may find that a medical professional can give guidance that helps you establish a smoother latch. Using their experience, healthcare clinic staff can watch how you feed your baby and offer handy tips that make latching easier. In addition, they may also identify physical problems that are causing an issue, such as flat nipples.

Whether breastfeeding is frustrating from the beginning or you're encountering your first problem a few months in, seeking advice from your doctor may make the process easier. If you're keen to get your feeding back on track, try reaching out for support before turning to alternative feeding methods. 

About Me
Creating a Network for a Healthy Life

Welcome. My name is Wendy. This blog is about health care. I hope that when you read my posts, they help you create the network you need for a healthy life. In my opinion, living a healthy lifestyle includes multiple elements. You need the right health care clinic and medical providers, but you also need a healthy diet, a relatively stress-free life that lends itself to positive mental health, a community to support you and several other elements. I hope to address many of those things and more here. After reading my posts, I hope you have the knowledge you need to create a healthy life. I am a mum of three very energetic boys, and ever since they were born, I have realised how important it is to be healthy. After all, I hope I'm around as long as possible. I can't wait to see them grow up!
