Endoscopy: Getting Ready for an Upper Endoscopic Examination and Therapy

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Endoscopy: Getting Ready for an Upper Endoscopic Examination and Therapy

Endoscopy: Getting Ready for an Upper Endoscopic Examination and Therapy

2 October 2017
, Blog

As a human being, you depend on food for survival and living. The food substances that you eat pass through the gut system for digestion and assimilation into the body. For the system to efficiently work, it is advisable that you have checkups and diagnosis to ascertain the workability. The therapy used in the treatment of this gut structure is referred to as endoscopy and can be classified into upper and lower endoscopy. Just as it is in other cases, it is important that you are ready both psychologically as well as physically when going for the endoscopy.

Gut Preparation

When considering going for an endoscopic checkup and possible treatment, it is advisable that you fast for about 6 to 8 hours before the whole process. The intestines have to be clear of any waste materials for viable assessment by the endoscopic machines. For this to be possible, your doctor administers laxatives to aid in the clearing at least a day before the procedure. As a personal precaution, it is necessary that you avoid dairy products before the procedure due to the high content of proteins.


The process happens just before the examination for your comfortability. You need to understand that the sedative is administered via injection to get to the veins in a fast way. The sedation gives you a light sleep hence making you unaware of the processes being done. By so doing, the specialist promotes your comfort as well as lowering your body and brain stress. Within around an hour, the examination should be over, and you can receive your report. By knowing all these, you can feel at ease while preparing for the endoscopic examination.


Before you take any medical procedures involving anaesthesia, it is necessary that you know the results to expect. Normally, the sedatives used have effects for up to 24 hours which means that you may be unfit for activities such as driving within that period. It is critical that you make viable choices regarding the intake of alcoholic drinks as well as high caffeinated beverages. Your doctor or specialist should help you understand these effects before the endoscopy so that you can choose whether you want to go for the procedure or not.

It is important to note that endoscopy therapy is a very viable kind of treatment for your gut system. If your doctor suggests that you go for an endoscopy, you need not be afraid since endoscopy is a preventative as well as an early detection measure for gut problems. There is so much positivity in the results from an upper endoscopic examination as compared to having none at all.

About Me
Creating a Network for a Healthy Life

Welcome. My name is Wendy. This blog is about health care. I hope that when you read my posts, they help you create the network you need for a healthy life. In my opinion, living a healthy lifestyle includes multiple elements. You need the right health care clinic and medical providers, but you also need a healthy diet, a relatively stress-free life that lends itself to positive mental health, a community to support you and several other elements. I hope to address many of those things and more here. After reading my posts, I hope you have the knowledge you need to create a healthy life. I am a mum of three very energetic boys, and ever since they were born, I have realised how important it is to be healthy. After all, I hope I'm around as long as possible. I can't wait to see them grow up!
